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Moroccan House

Saloon Moroccan and Moroccan dialect called "House of Alziav" or "hall" which is one of the fortified castles of Moroccan culture, which has not been given them time nor French colonialism is a cultural nature.
Not without any Moroccan house of Moroccan saloon where all Moroccans are keen all components and layers on the acquisition of a Moroccan salon fit and level of social, physical and bore the hallmarks of the party that they belong

Derives saloon Moroccan aesthetic of its components, especially traditional materials tiles used in walls, floors and plaster carved user in the ceilings and doorways, arches, pure wood and tissues used in linen mattresses, curtains and hand embroidery used in linen tables in addition to silver and stained glass and pottery used in accessories

Salon Moroccan sofas and corner of the table and carved wood stained in black, a new trend in the engraving on wood.

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